Amp Wire Calculator

Speaker's Resonant Frequency (fs)? Hertz
This is for rectangular sealed enclosures.
Height? = Inches
Width? = Inches
Depth? = Inches
If the above dimensions are OUTSIDE dimensions, enter the thickness of the wood below.
Wood Thickness = Inches
Total box volume = Ft3


This is for sealed triangular enclosures.
Height? = Inches
Width? = Inches
Depth1? = Inches
Depth2? = Inches
If the above dimensions are OUTSIDE dimensions, enter the thickness of the wood below.
Wood Thickness = Inches
Total box volume = Ft3


'Gross' volume is the internal volume of the enclosure before the port volume is subtracted. If you're using external dimensions and you set the wood thickness to something other than '0', the wood thickness will be subtracted.
'Net' volume is the internal volume after the port volume is subtracted from the gross volume. If your speaker needs an enclosure that's 1.5 cubic feet ported at 35Hz, the 'net' volume must be 1.5 cubic feet for proper operation.
This is for PORTED enclosures.
Data Input:
Height? = Inches
Width? = Inches
Depth1? = Inches
Depth2? = Inches
If the above dimensions are OUTSIDE dimensions, enter the thickness of the wood below.
Wood Thickness? = Inches
Speaker Displacement? = Ftยณ
Port Frequency? = Hertz
Port Diameter? = Inches
Number of Ports? =
Sq. Port Ratio H:W? = 1:
Data Output:
Box Front Angle = Degrees
Gross box volume = Ft3
Net box volume = Ft3
Port Length = Inches
Port Area = Inches2
Port Volume = Ft3
Square Port Dimensions:
Height = Inches
Width = Inches
  • If the angle is a negative number, 'depth 1' is greater than 'depth 2'. The face of the enclosure would be past vertical.
  • The angle at the top of the enclosure (inside) is 180-'box front angle'. If the BFA is 45 degrees, the top inside angle is 180-45 or 135 degrees.
Brace Volume Calculator
First brace

Brace Height ? = Inches
Brace Width ? = Inches
Brace Thickness ? = Inches
Opening Height ? = Inches
Opening Width ? = Inches
Number Of Openings ? =

Total Solid Brace Volume = Ft 3
Total Brace Opening Volume = Ft 3
Net Brace Volume = Ft 3
Second brace

Brace Height ? = Inches
Brace Width ? = Inches
Brace Thickness = Inches
Opening Height ? = Inches
Opening Width ? = Inches
Number Of Openings ? =

Total Solid Brace Volume = Ft 3
Total Brace Opening Volume = Ft 3
Net Brace Volume = Ft 3


Box Volume ? = Ft 3
Net Box Volume = Ft 3
Total Net Brace Volume = Ft 3